Sunday, January 29, 2012

Text Messages from Moses to Zipporah

After considering Moses and the burning bush last week, we started on the plagues this week. Because the two are so connected, we used this 10-minute activity to recap last week's story for those who hadn't been there. (The activity, though, would work well with almost any story.) I asked children who'd been present last week to tell the story to those who hadn't been with us, and for everyone to put themselves in Moses's sandals and try to imagine what it would have felt like to experience what he experienced. Their task after hearing the story would be to pretend they were Moses and to compose a text message that Moses might have sent to his wife, Zipporah, at the end of the experience. As you can see from the samples messages, the children enjoyed incorporating text-speak. (One person noted enthusiastically that he was not going to worry about spelling at all--and was even going to intentionally misspell--since spelling is not all that important when texting!) Most children read their messages aloud when we finished and there was much laughter. A few were inspired to include Zipporah's reply as well!


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